Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Life is precious, life is sweet

I am so stinkin' in love with my boys today, and my husband has a new fresh hair cut and he's looking pretty hot (he's always cute but cuter after a fresh "snapping" as he calls it) Banks is fully potty trained and that alone is worthy of a moment to lift praise to my most high God for bringing us through the training days. He's doing so well and it makes me want to squeeze him everytime he tells me he needs to go! Even at 2 am, I'm just so proud. He is also starting to test the boundaries more and more on obeying but, he's three and I don't think his ways now are a pre-cursor of what's to come.. he's still a good kid.
Bennett is crawling everywhere and becoming so much more vocal. He squeals and grunts and says some words that resemble dadeeee and bobba.. daddy? and bottle? but the bobba at times is said when the dog walks up so, he might be saying doggie? He's eating so many new foods other than just baby food and he's quite a large boy. And a happy boy... more jovial than ever fussy.
God has just blessed me to pieces with two precious boys.
And Mark is pretty amazing too. He's such a fabulous husband and daddy and friend!!
This week end I will be single mom-ing it. Daddy's going to gather with some college pals to ASU's football game. I'll be sure to find a fall festival or park to spend the afternoon at! Please Lord let the weather be perfect and the issues be minimal.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Prayer for today

This post is simply for me today, to document this moment on paper that I am praying for my little boy . God hears even our simple prayers...Dear Father, thank you so much for my sweet Banks. He's such an amazing little being and He is yours..your gift to me. My prayer is this potty training chapter in our lives.. Let him get it! Let him do it! Let the messes end and the stresses end. Remind him when that feeling comes to remind whoever is around that he needs to go!! I know in the history of the world all mothers have been in this same season and I'm just begging you to let the season come and go and let him be a potty trained boy soon!! In Jesus name and to Jesus be every bit of the glory, amen.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Begin Busy Month

This month is so jammed packed full of stuff to do. May 1st began the many days of busy for me.
We had a spring worship concert at church which was also a “live recording” and the next day we went back for 4 hours of re-recording. Whew, hard work. This week Mark and I are involved in a ministry event together so we’ll have to practice for that and the event is Friday night.. I have to rehearse this week for a wedding on May 16 and I really hope to get my hair done?? Saturday is a yard sale I’ve paid to be a part of so I can’t back out!! Sunday is Mother’s Day and I’m now a mother of two. At Parkwood we have baby dedication on Mother’s Day and the Sunday after Thanksgiving so, we’ll dedicate my little Bennett to the Lord on Sunday, May 10. I’ve already dedicated his little life to God so, this will just be the public version. I get to sing too!!! I sang Up To the Moon when we dedicated Banks and I get to sing it for Bennett too!! Thanks Chad and Jeff for giving me this sweet moment. Heather Beckham and Stephen Mitchell’s wedding is May 16. They are true high school sweet hearts. I was there right next door when they set out on their first date.. I pray that my boys will be like the man Stephen has become and that they will find a girl to marry as wonderful as Heather is! I’m singing and my little Banks will be the ring bearer. He was just a sight getting fitted for a tuxedo. I wanted to squeeze him..he’s beautiful. And he really is, I’m not one of those “my kid’s the cutest” mommies but he is so cute you want to squeeze him. Oh, and my own wedding anniversary is May 24th. Six wonderful years. I have the best husband. That is a fact. Good heavens he is just marvelous and I’ve said a million times that he’s better to me than I am to him. And, in the next six years I plan to change that.

I plan to do nothing in June. Just work and spend time loving my family. Maybe go on a date with Mark? Maybe I’ll get on the riding mower and cut the grass while Mark plays in the pool with the boys? Maybe I can have all the laundry caught up and then keep it maintained? And I’d love to cook dinner more often than not. I better get to exercising too. I don’t to still be carrying Bennett on me when he’s starting to carry himself.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Random things

1. I bought and downloaded my very first song off of ITunes last night. Actually, Mark did it but it was a first for us both! It was a beautiful moment as we moved in to the 21st century together.

2. I'm frantically trying to learn songs for three TOTALLY different "gigs" in May.
A wedding, a live worship recording at PBC and a duet with my husband, who for the record is not a singer. And don't ask about the duet, I can't tell.. until it's over.

3. Banks has made new friends across the street with Italo and Angelo (they are from Chile) and I just adore watching his independent little self trot across the cul de sac to hang out in their yard.

4. Bennett is sleeping through the night. PTL!! Typically down by 9 PM and wakes up in then 6 AM hour. I have been blessed with another good sleeping baby.

5. I need a tan. So.bad. I used to be the keeper of a tan but since I've been pregnant for what seems like the past five years I've not done the tanning bed. I am a bit nervous as I get older knowing the danger of sun and electric sun, but I'm so white !! And per # 2, I want a bit of color for the wedding!!

6. Cute things that Banks says: Patapillar = Catepillar, Neck = Net, Pipapotamus = Hippopotamus, Wipe = White, Nu = You

Random is fun. What's so random about you?

The song/The blog's namesake

Today I might post two times. I have some things brewing in my head but too, I was thinking that since I plan to save this blog and keep it for the boys to read someday to know a bit about their lives in the beginning and maybe have a little insight as to how their mommy’s mind works and I thought that surely I should post the words to “Our Song” and the namesake of my blog.

Up to the Moon by Kim Hill
I love you up to the moon, And I love you big as the sky
I love to watch you when you sleep, I love to hold you when you cry.
And one day when you’re older and taller than me
I’ll say I watched you grow like a beautiful tree

I love you up to the moon, And I love you big as the sky
You’ll always be my little man, I love you the best that a mama can
And one day if you rise up and call me blessed
I’ll say it was a joy to give you my best

I love you up to the moon, And I love you big as the sky
I love you up to the moon, yes I love you up to the moon

Banks and Bennett,
Your daddy and I have been so blessed to have been given the gifts of you two. We’ve never been parents before so know that we’re a work in progress and we know you’ve never been kids before so, we’re going to keep that in mind too as we try to raise you to know and love and honor God. There are tons of things in this world for you to see and be and behold but more than anything, we want you to so be lost in the things of God that He will say of you one day “Well done my good and faithful servant”. As much as we love you we will fail you. But, God will never fail you. He created you to honor, praise and serve Him and we will push you towards that end. You boys are the joy of our lives. We look forward to all that life has in store for us as the Greemons!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

I love these boys, and they're mine??!!!

I had a moment this week of "Wow, I'm 37 and a mommy of two boys and married and this is my house and this is my car and I'm a grown up" I know I've been a grown up for many years but for some reason on some days life just randomly reminds me of things. I remember when I was little I used to think of who I'd be "grown up" I pictured myself with long legs?, long brown hair, and fast walking. I planned to have a little girl and call her Kelly. I thought I'd be a veteranarian because of the time I saved that bird in my drive way by annointing him with oil and praying over him. I imagined my mom would be an old looking mamaw and would always have homemade buttermilk biscuits on the table when we visited.
My mom isn't mamaw, she's Nana and at 63 she surely doesn't look like an old lady..I don't have brown hair (hmm, well underneath I do) and I have no little girl named Kelly.

I have blonde hair, a sweeter and more patient and giving than me husband and a Banks and a Bennett and I could not be happier. I'm glad God planned all my life for me instead of my plan working out. I hate me with brown hair! and I think I can be a better mommy to two boys than to that crazy little Kelly girl.
This week my sweet firstborn has started to love his little brother more and more. Still no huge kleenex moments of everlasting love but he's making great strides. It tickles me to the core to think that in just a few short months they'll be playing and laughing and of course fighting together right there in the playroom floor while me, their blonde mommy is in the kitchen making the buttermilk biscuits that my mama has yet to have had on her kitchen table when we visit!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Holy Week

The world calls this Holy Week and it causes all to be aware and on watch of what Christians are doing. I really want my life to be Holy Life but fail miserably, just miserably. Many friends told me that when I had kids and felt the love of a parent I would then have a mere glimpse of the Father's love for me. I think I know what they were talking about now. We can never truly grasp the absolute depth of God's love for us... I know how much I love my boys. I love them from a depth inside of me that causes tears to fill my eyes when I think of this sweet love we share. And how I would just do anything to keep them safe and warm and fed and happy and loved and liked... And last night I felt so loved from my little boy that I just thank God for the moment we had for Him to remind me that's how He feels about me too.
Banks is having some type of allergic reaction and for two mornings his eyes have been so swollen.. not with matter and swollen shut but his eyelids are so puffy. The first night this started he wanted me to lay in bed with him and hold a wet cloth over his eyes. I did just that. I'd move to reposition myself or the rag and he'd just grab my hand and keep it tight to his face and he say "Stay wiff me mommy, keep your hand right there" I was just so in the sweet element of mommy loving and it felt so perfect to be loved.
So, that's how God loves me. He loves me. He knows me and loves me and I've done nothing to deserve it. Banks loves me because I'm his mommy and I take care of him and he doesn't know any better but God chooses to love me because through the blood of Jesus I am beautiful and loveable.
So I beg, "Stay wiff me Jesus, keep Your hand right here."

Monday, March 23, 2009

I'm new at this

My first blog. You will see that I use a lot of dot dot dots. I don't close sentences, I guess I seem to ramble. Sorry.. this is me!
This is 2009. I've been married for almost 6 years to my sweeter than me husband, Mark. We have two boys, Banks and Bennett.
I am a sinner thankfully saved by grace and I want my life to be one that looks like Jesus' life. Oh but I fail miserably!! I try and will not stop trying to be what God wants me to be. I am so thankful for Jesus...I want my boys to so ooze Jesus in their lives and have given them up to the Lord to do whatever He chooses with them. I will do my part in training them in the way the should go and pray the do not depart from it.. and if they do I'll beat them!
We have a sweet little home with a huge back yard, swimming pool and building out back for daddy, a slide for the boys and a dog.. only thing we don't have is the picket fence. We do have a split rail fence in the field and a shadow box fence around the pool...
Mark and I were born and raised right here in Gastonia and are so blessed to have our entire family right down the street from any way we turn out of our neighborhood.
So, this a short beginning blog. Enough for now..